Sustainable Water Plan

Continental-Hoosier System Project

We are in the pre-application phase of a project that would allow us to fully develop our existing water rights while addressing life-cycle upgrades needed in our Continental-Hoosier System (CHS). Federal, state and local permits are required before any construction activity begins.

The goal of the proposed project is to improve the resiliency, redundancy and efficiency of this collection system, which has served Colorado Springs for more than 60 years. We will maximize existing infrastructure to improve the management of the collection and conveyance of legally and physically available water supplies through the Blue River pipeline to serve a portion of demands in the Colorado Springs metro area.

The project includes enlargement of Montgomery Reservoir, located in Park County, Colo., from its current capacity of 5,669 acre-feet to a total storage volume of approximately 13,779 acre-feet. The enlargement of existing infrastructure will allow us to store an additional average annual yield of 4,000 acre-feet* of water of legally and physically available supplies that could be realized through diversions from the headwaters of the Blue River in average-to-wet years. 

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with six West Slope water providers regarding conditional water storage rights we hold in the Blue River watershed was approved in February 2024. The MOA presents a mutually beneficial resolution regarding these rights and sets a pathway forward for project permitting in Summit County. Permitting in Park County will also be required.

Questions about the project may be directed to or (719) 668-8504.

*an acre-foot of water is 325,851 gallons. In Colorado Springs, one acre-foot of water can support 3-4 families/year.

Project timeline:

2025: submit permit application
2026-2027: federal, state, local permitting decisions
2027: construction mobilization
2028-2030: construction

Continental Hoosier Project renderings

The following renderings show (L to R) the current footprint of the reservoir, the proposed expanded footprint and expanded northern shoreline. Elements depicted in the renderings are subject to change in the final design.
Blue River Water Tour 3

The Continental-Hoosier System

The Continental-Hoosier raw water collection system (CHS) - also known as the Blue River System - is a transmountain system that moves water that is sourced from the Colorado River and South Platte River basins to the Arkansas River basin for use by Colorado Springs customers.  

CHS is gravity fed, which means it doesn't require any pumping to reach storage reservoirs near Colorado Springs before going to treatment. It's comprised of a series of diversions and intakes, three tunnels, two reservoirs, and several pipelines. 

The system diverts stream flows from upper tributaries of the Blue River watershed and Middle Fork of the South Platte River and stores that water in Montgomery Reservoir, located near Fairplay, Colorado. From there, water flows through the Blue River Pipeline to local terminal storage reservoirs on the North Slope of Pikes Peak and Rampart Range. 

Providing a safe, reliable water supply

CHSWaterSystemMapThe Continental-Hoosier System

  • Serves 13% of Colorado Springs' drinking water demands when considering first use - the first time it's collected from snowmelt, treated and used by customers. 
  • Increases the amount of demand we can meet as the water can be - and is - fully reused.
  • Is the only system solely owned and operated by Colorado Springs Utilities. 
  • Is our only system that is completely gravity flow for more than 70 miles of pipeline.
  • Provides critical redundancy to other systems and reliable service through drought and emergencies.

Water conservation and water projects

To permit water projects, we must carefully manage our water supplies and have strong conservation programming. For the proposed Montgomery Reservoir expansion, understanding how much water we need in the future is not enough; we must also prove that our operations efficiently use our current water sources and our conservation efforts support our goals. Our conservation programming is some of the most successful in the state. 

Between now and 2030, Colorado Springs Utilities will nearly double investments in water conservation programming. It's our goal to save more than 2,191 acre-feet of water annually, which is like saving nearly the amount of water in our South Catamount reservoir every year.

Saving water is slow and steady work. Small actions build over time, leading to bigger savings. Our conservation programs work to build upon annual savings to stretch our community’s water supplies. Doing this means we can support growth, a strong local economy and a high quality of life, despite climate variability.

Did you know?

Since 2001, water use in Colorado Springs has gone down by 40% while our population grew more than 92%.

A critical system, then and now

The start of the Hoosier Pass Tunnel. Text reads: "HOOSIER PASS TUNNEL BLUE RIVER DIVERSION PROJECT CITY OF COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO 1951."The Continental-Hoosier System (also known as the Blue River System) is Colorado Springs’ first and oldest transmountain water diversion project.

  • Colorado Springs purchased the interests and concept for the system in 1947.
  • Hoosier Tunnel construction began in 1949.
  • Hoosier Tunnel was completed in 1952 and water began flowing to Colorado Springs.
  • Montgomery Reservoir was completed in 1957 at a capacity of 5,699 acre-feet of storage, with plans for enlargement as Colorado Springs grew into available supplies.
  • Upper Blue Reservoir was completed in 1966.

Quick fact

The Continental-Hoosier System was a critical water supply and deciding factor for the United States Air Force Academy locating in Colorado Springs.

The Sustainable Water Plan's projects & programs

Today, we are hard at work to secure a reliable, sustainable water supply for our city’s future. The projects and programs outlined below will help us reach the objectives outlined in the plan.

Irrigation Pivot
Sustainable Water Plan

Agricultural Water Sharing Program

This innovative program provides water for Colorado Springs customers while protecting rural communities and the agricultural economy in our region. This innovative program provides water for Colorado Springs customers while protecting... This innovative program provides water for Colorado Springs customers while protecting rural communities and the agricultural economy in our region.

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Direct Potable Reuse 1920
Sustainable Water Plan

Direct Potable Reuse

We are looking at recycling and further treating our reusable water through advanced purification methods to meet drinking water standards. We are looking at recycling and further treating our reusable water through advanced... We are looking at recycling and further treating our reusable water through advanced purification methods to meet drinking water standards.

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A rushing mountain stream lined with evergreen trees.
Sustainable Water Plan

Eagle River Joint Use Water Project

With other municipal partners, we are carefully planning and evaluating options to expand critical water supplies in Eagle County. With other municipal partners, we are carefully planning and evaluating options to expand... With other municipal partners, we are carefully planning and evaluating options to expand critical water supplies in Eagle County.

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Sprinkler 2 1920 px
Sustainable Water Plan

Water conservation & efficiency

We plan to save 10,000-11,000 acre-ft/year of water with improved conservation efforts. We plan to save 10,000-11,000 acre-ft/year of water with improved conservation efforts. We plan to save 10,000-11,000 acre-ft/year of water with improved conservation efforts.

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