sustainable water plan hero sustainable water plan hero

Sustainable Water Plan

Our future water supply relies on our ability to be flexible, innovative and conservation-minded…down to the last drop.

In the face of unprecedented growth, climate variability and more demands on this essential resource in our state, we’ve developed strategies to diversify our water supply.

Our Sustainable Water Plan is a 50-year plan that ensures we take a balanced and adaptive approach to water acquisition, use, and reuse. This plan is accounts for the following challenges:

  • Water supply and demand
  • Water quality
  • Infrastructure reliability
  • Water reuse
  • Financial planning
  • Energy use
  • Regulatory and legal concerns

Most of all, we listened to our customers and key stakeholders when developing this plan. This plan provides a reliable, sustainable water supply in a cost-effective and environmentally sound manner.

The Sustainable Water Plan's projects & programs

Today, we are hard at work to secure a reliable, sustainable water supply for our city’s future. The projects and programs outlined below will help us reach the objectives outlined in the plan.

Raised Dam2
Sustainable Water Plan

Continental-Hoosier System Project

This proposed project would expand the Montgomery Reservoir, located near Breckenridge. This would increase our total water storage capacity for our growing city. This proposed project would expand the Montgomery Reservoir, located near Breckenridge.... This proposed project would expand the Montgomery Reservoir, located near Breckenridge. This would increase our total water storage capacity for our growing city.

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Irrigation Pivot
Sustainable Water Plan

Agricultural Water Sharing Program

This innovative program provides water for Colorado Springs customers while protecting rural communities and the agricultural economy in our region. This innovative program provides water for Colorado Springs customers while protecting... This innovative program provides water for Colorado Springs customers while protecting rural communities and the agricultural economy in our region.

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Direct Potable Reuse 1920
Sustainable Water Plan

Direct Potable Reuse

We are looking at recycling and further treating our reusable water through advanced purification methods to meet drinking water standards. We are looking at recycling and further treating our reusable water through advanced... We are looking at recycling and further treating our reusable water through advanced purification methods to meet drinking water standards.

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A rushing mountain stream lined with evergreen trees.
Sustainable Water Plan

Eagle River Joint Use Water Project

With other municipal partners, we are carefully planning and evaluating options to expand critical water supplies in Eagle County. With other municipal partners, we are carefully planning and evaluating options to expand... With other municipal partners, we are carefully planning and evaluating options to expand critical water supplies in Eagle County.

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Sustainable Water Plan

Water conservation & efficiency

We plan to save 10,000-11,000 acre-ft/year of water with improved conservation efforts. We plan to save 10,000-11,000 acre-ft/year of water with improved conservation efforts. We plan to save 10,000-11,000 acre-ft/year of water with improved conservation efforts.

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Our relationship with the Colorado River

Roughly half of our raw water supply starts as snowmelt in the Colorado River Basin. Because we can reuse those supplies, they actually make up 70% of the total water we use.

We have a considerable stake in how Colorado River operations are managed in the future. See how we're advocating to protect our supplies on behalf of our customers.


We need more certainty around our Colorado River water supplies

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Water supply forecast looks good, but Colorado River not out of danger

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We have a plan for risks to our Colorado River supplies

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Our support of the Colorado River Basin

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