Water quality 1920 x 450 px Water quality 1920 x 450 px

Water quality

We are proud to provide the highest-quality water for our customers. Most of our water comes directly from one of the finest water sources in the nation, the Rocky Mountains, which means we are first-time users of that water. 

We take water quality seriously. Our laboratory is state-certified and uses advanced technology to operate 365 days a year, collecting and analyzing more than 12,000 samples annually.

We do this work because we know that safe, quality drinking water matters most to you and your family, and we are committed to delivering on that promise.

Water quality report

We strongly believe our customers have the right to know the quality of their drinking water. We thoroughly test our water for contaminants like viruses & bacteria, metals, pesticides & herbicides, PFAS and more.

We compile the results of those tests into our annual Water Quality Report, as required each year in accordance with federal and state regulations of the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Read our water quality report

Water Treatment Process

While much of our water comes from snowmelt in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, it’s not safe to drink right away. We follow a detailed process to make sure it’s safe. Click on each section below to learn more about the water treatment process.


We draw raw water from our reservoirs into mixing basins at our treatment plants. This is where we add alum, polymer and sometimes lime and carbon dioxide to the raw water. This process causes small particles to stick to one another, forming larger particles.

As time passes, the bigger particles created during the coagulation/flocculation process settle to the bottom of a basin. Once settled, we can remove them from the water.
The water is then filtered through layers of fine, granulated materials — either sand, or sand and coal, depending on the treatment plant. As smaller, suspended particles are removed, clear water emerges.

To protect against any bacteria, viruses and other microbes that might remain, we add disinfectant to the water. This step happens before the water flows into underground reservoirs throughout the distribution system and into your home or business. We carefully monitor the amount of disinfectant added to maintain water quality.

pH is maintained by adding alkaline substances to reduce corrosion in the distribution system and the plumbing in your home or business.​

Frequently asked questions

Have a specific question that we aren’t answering? Feel free to reach out to our support.

Where does our water come from?

We’re fortunate to have one of the finest sources of drinking water in the nation…the Rocky Mountains. Most of our water comes directly from high country snowmelt as far away as the Continental Divide, which means we are primarily first-time users of the water.