Blog Post

Water plan manages risk, accommodates growth


Our sustainable water plan is our 50-year roadmap to ensure a reliable supply of water for Colorado Springs and future generations. The plan includes development of new supply and storage, water reuse mechanisms, community conservation and agricultural water sharing.

The plan is flexible and adaptable to challenges we anticipate, and most importantly, it puts our customers at the forefront. In the face of unprecedented growth, climate variability, drought in the West, the need for important upgrades to our aging system and more demands on this essential resource in our state, we have solutions that will see us through.

Today our system can deliver more water than customers are using. And, with your help, we can continue to support a vibrant, growing community and economy with safe, reliable water supply.

Water we save today is our cheapest source of supply. Additionally, a strong conservation program supports our ability to get new water supply projects permitted. Please continue to follow the water-wise rules, plant drought-tolerant grass and trees, and install water-efficient appliances and irrigation systems to use water wisely. Tips, resources and rebate information are available on our website and through our Conservation and Environmental Center to help you be successful.