Colorado Springs Utilities Blog

From the CEO - Adjusting our energy transition to manage costs

Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy and transmission line capacity are shifting our energy... Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy...

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Our teams save more than $5 million on natural gas project

Design, planning, environmental and construction teams from across Colorado Springs Utilities play instrumental roles in the Kettle Creek... Design, planning, environmental and construction teams from across Colorado...

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Prepare now for bitterly cold temperatures

When expecting sub-zero temperatures, it’s a good time to remember the importance of monitoring energy use. When expecting sub-zero temperatures, it’s a good time to remember the...

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Progress made since December 2021 windstorm

As we look back to the December 2021 windstorm, the hurricane-force winds taught us valuable lessons about our system. As we look back to the December 2021 windstorm, the hurricane-force winds...

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If you're replacing an appliance in 2023, rebates can help you save

As you consider upgrades to your household appliances for 2023, be sure to check out our rebates and incentives first. As you consider upgrades to your household appliances for 2023, be sure to...

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Winter driving and its impact on power outages

Of all incidents not related to weather or random equipment failure, vehicle accidents trigger the most power outages. Of all incidents not related to weather or random equipment failure, vehicle...

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What's driving your rates: Navigating supply chain challenges

From grocery supplies and auto parts to appliances and new cars, we’ve all been impacted by supply chain challenges. From grocery supplies and auto parts to appliances and new cars, we’ve all been...

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Recognizing the value of public power and natural gas utilities

Many of our employees live and raise their families in the Pikes Peak Region. We understand the impact we have on the community. Many of our employees live and raise their families in the Pikes Peak Region....

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Generating a discussion about generator safety

Improper use of a generator could be deadly – for you, your neighbors and our employees. Improper use of a generator could be deadly – for you, your neighbors and our...

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Concerned about power reliability this summer? Here is some good news

We are well positioned for the summer thanks to proactive planning, system redundancy and a healthy fleet of generating units. We are well positioned for the summer thanks to proactive planning, system...

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Field employees among special population providing essential services

Our utility field employees keep the power on, ensure water is safely flowing to our taps, treat & collect wastewater, and keep our gas... Our utility field employees keep the power on, ensure water is safely flowing...

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