Blog Post

Brace yourself for the big chill


In case you missed it: It's cold out there! Not to make you feel worse, but some of the coldest temperatures of the winter are coming over the next few days.

Now, we’re not talking Minnesota cold – there’s a reason I left 20+ years ago! – but still very cold. It seems like we get one or two of these cold snaps each winter, so what can you do in these conditions to stay warm and safe, and save energy?

  1. If there’s time and you haven’t done so already this heating season, make an appointment to have your furnace checked.
  2. Help your furnace run more efficiently by cleaning or replacing your furnace filter.
  3. Don't get left in the cold with frozen or broken water pipes. If you’re concerned about frozen pipes, open your kitchen and bathroom cabinet doors, especially if they are against an exterior wall. The air that heats your home will keep your pipes warm.
  4. Seal leaks around doors, windows or any other areas to keep the cold air outside. (Note, the temperature should be above 45 degrees to apply caulking, but you can still use weatherstripping.)
  5. Set your thermostat as low as is comfortable. Add a layer of clothes or wrap up in a blanket to take off the edge.
  6. Cover drafty windows with plastic film or tight-fitting, insulated drapes or shades.
  7. Open coverings on south-facing windows to take advantage of heat from the sun.
  8. At night or when you leave home, set your thermostat back 10 to 15 degrees – if you can do that for 8 hours, you can save up to 10% on energy costs. (A programmable thermostat is extremely handy if you leave and return on a regular schedule, and we offer a $50 rebate on qualifying products!)

Of course, another option is to take a quick trip someplace warmer or even tropical. A quick online search found these destinations with some nice daytime high temperatures this long, holiday weekend.

  • Phoenix, Arizona (73, 70 and 71 degrees)
  • Orlando, Florida (83, 80 and 79 degrees)
  • Nassau, The Bahamas (81, 81 and 81 degrees)

Ahhh, that sounds real nice, but I’ll probably keep daydreaming and stick to the tips above!