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Garden of the Gods water main repairs

Written by Jennifer J. | Apr 21, 2022 1:26:00 PM

Water construction crews are on site at Garden of the Gods Road for two weeks to make additional repairs to the water main following a break in the line last summer.

Construction activities are scheduled at the North Chestnut Street intersection April 18-24, and the Forge Road intersection April 25-30. Traffic is restricted to one eastbound lane and two westbound lanes at these intersections with only right-hand turns allowed. Alternate water sources have been provided to area businesses, which will remain accessible throughout work activities.

In July 2021, a break in the 24” line occurred when two sections of water pipe separated at a coupling connection. Our crews responded and worked around the clock to make repairs and get the road reopened. The coupling had been installed in 2019 as part of planned Water Main Replacement Program work to update aging infrastructure along Garden of the Gods Road.

Four other couplings installed at that time are now being replaced out of caution to ensure the reliability of the water system. Crews are working day and night Monday-Sunday to expedite completion of the work and minimize impacts to area businesses and motorists. As the North Chestnut intersection work is completed, repaving will occur immediately, and work will begin at the Forge Road intersection.

Everyone’s patience and understanding is appreciated while this necessary work is completed.