Eric I.
Duration: 1 minute
Published on February 2, 2021
After this weekend, the next bill you receive – whether in the mail or paperless – you’re sure to notice quite a change. We’ve spent months working to improve your customer experience when it comes to your monthly bill. Below are some highlights of what you can expect to see.
In addition to the bill changes, and based on cusomer input, we've also extended the payment due date from 14 days to 30 days. (Editor's Note: Extending the payment due date has created a couple of unintended consequences. We are working to implement a solution.)
Printed Bill
The new, easy-to-read format of our printed bill allows you to find key information, such as amount due, due date and a summary of charges/payments, at a glance. Color, bold text and icons highlight different services, usage details, and even a comparison to the previous billing period. A new donut graph on the front page also provides a clear, uncluttered breakdown of your bill by service.
To simplify the printed bill, some of the billing details have been removed. If you’re the kind of person who likes to get into the nuts and bolts of your bill, you can find more billing detail in our new online interactive bill.
Interactive Bill
With more and more customers going green by enrolling in our paperless eBilling option, we felt the need to provide an improved online billing experience as well. Our new interactive bill not only provides more detail than the standard print bill, but also does it in a screen friendly layout. Like the printed bill, basic account information like amount due, due date and summary of charges/payments are available at a glance.
More detailed charges and a greater breakdown of your bill is available a little further down the screen. The new interactive bill significantly improves the experience for customers checking their account and bill through various devices.
Take a Peek
Want to see the new bill before you get yours? We’ve got a few videos to walk you through the updates and get you familiar with the new formats.
These videos show samples of standard bills for residential and/or commercial customers. They may not reflect current rates. All dates and charges are illustrative only and do not represent all possible billing configurations.
If you really like the new interactive bill, why not switch to paperless billing? Simply login to My Account, click on My Notifications and select the eBilling option.