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May is for planting

May is for planting

Spring is in the air! The allure of beautiful plants can cause serious impulse shopping. Before you spend money on plants that look great today, consider these four tips to invest instead in plants that will succeed over the long-term.

  1. Don’t plant too early. May is one of the best months to plant in the Colorado Springs area. While it’s fine to plant trees, shrubs, perennials, ornamental grasses and cool-season vegetables in early May, wait until mid to late May to plant frost-tender plants. Frost-tender plants include annual flowers and warm-season vegetables like tomatoes. It’s common for a late spring snowstorm or frost to damage tender transplants. This is why most local plant sales happen around Mother’s Day. 
  2. Choose plants that grow well in the Pikes Peak Region. Greenhouse-grown plants with gigantic flowers and lush leaves are not likely survive Colorado Springs weather. We have a water-wise plants webinar that features plants that thrive at our Water Wise Demonstration Gardens, surviving years of hail, drought, frost and snow. 
  3. Buy your plants from local experts. Shop for plants at local nurseries and plant sales. They sell more Rocky Mountain-grown plants than nation-wide retailers. Especially when grown outside, these plants are much less likely to be shocked by our erratic weather. Local sellers are also more likely to carry a better selection of native and well-adapted plants. These hardy varieties will live longer and beautify your landscape with less water and maintenance. 
  4. Water regularly after planting. Potted plants have fewer roots, only 10-50% of what they’ll grow at maturity. To keep them alive in our dry climate, they need to be watered regularly until they grow a new root system. Water immediately after planting, then check the soil moisture daily for the first two weeks. Water enough to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. Gradually cut back how often you water as the plants grow larger. Check out our tree planting steps for a watering guide for new trees.
By planting at the right time, choosing resilient plants, buying them from local sources, and watering consistently after planting, you’ll ensure your money and effort result in lasting beauty.