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Your monthly guide to save energy and water in 2021

Someone screwing in a lightbulb of a porchlight while smiling. The wall the porchlight is on is white. The door beside the porchlight is open.

We’re stepping into 2021 with new energy, and hope for a fresh start. It’s a great time to think about starting small habits and setting big goals for the months ahead. With that in mind, we’d like to help you resolve to go green, with these 12 ideas for each month to save energy, water, and hopefully lower your utility bills too. 

  • January - Brighten up your home and replace old bulbs with new LED lights. On average, lighting your home accounts for 10% to 15% of your energy bill. Replace older light bulbs with ENERGY STAR® qualified LEDs. In addition to offering high-quality light, LEDs last up to 10 times longer and use up to 90% less energy compared to incandescent bulbs. 
  • February -  Don’t let your money escape through those leaky air gaps around doors and windows. Install new weather stripping to conserve energy and make your home more comfortable.
  • March - Spring into action by prepping your landscape for summer. We offer free landscape webinars and resources from our experts to get you started.  
  • April - Take advantage of spring showers with a rain sensor that will automatically prevent your sprinkler system from watering when it rains. Rain sensors are easy to install and typically pay for themselves in just one season. We offer up to $50 rebate on your purchase.
  • May - Improve your lawn watering efficiency with new sprinkler heads and nozzles. They keep your water from evaporating into thin air and help give your lawn a good soak. 
  • June – As temperatures rise, lower your water bill with a smart controller to automatically adjust your irrigation schedule to the weather. WaterSense-qualified smart irrigation controllers can reduce irrigation water use by an average of 16% per year, and they qualify for our rebate too.
  • July – Now that you’re watering wisely outdoors, find ways to save inside. Follow these no-cost  tips for indoor water use.  And when it comes time to replace fixtures, look for the WaterSense® label on toilets, faucets and showerheads. 
  • August – On warm days, shade your windows during the daytime - the light from the sun can heat up a room quickly. That’s a good thing in the winter but an energy guzzler in the summer. Set your thermostat to a higher temperature, and if you have ceiling fans in the house, use them.
  • September - The temperature is changing, is your thermostat? Install a smart thermostat and get money back with our $50 rebate.
  • October – Keep phantom load from haunting your house. Phantom, ghost or vampire load is the energy used by your video game consoles, microwave and other electronics and appliances when they are turned off or in standby mode. Unplug when not in use or use a power strip to turn several off with one switch.
  • November – Since about 50% of your energy use can go toward space heating and cooling, having a furnace that works effectively and efficiently is smart. Change your furnace filters, and if you’re in the market for a replacement, make it an ENERGY STAR® model. As a natural gas customer, you may earn $250 rebate on your qualifying furnace purchase. 
  • December – ‘Tis the season to check your home’s insulation. Transform your place to the gift that keeps on giving when you wrap it in insulation. As an electric or natural gas customer, you may earn up to $200 through our insulation and air sealing rebate.

Mark these ideas in your calendar and add a few of your own. Know that you are making a difference by using less energy, conserving our precious water resources and saving some money for those other fun goals on your list. Learn more about our rebates and incentives, and discover more efficiency tips.