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Put a stake in energy vampires this Halloween

Haloween 1920 px

This year has already been strange enough, so you’re probably not shocked to learn vampires are living with you right now. Well… vampire loads I mean (please don’t search for a coffin in the basement).

Vampire loads are also called phantom loads. These spooky energy-sucking nicknames are meant to make you aware of the electricity being wasted by modern electronics. Those computers, cable boxes, phone charging cables, televisions and game consoles are all using a small amount of energy even when turned “off.” Each phantom load device can cost a few dollars a year on your energy bill. That might not seem like a lot, but add up all those devices and it equates to $100 per household annually according to ENERGY STAR®.

The Department of Energy estimates vampire loads drain 5% of the energy consumed in the United States. Standby lights, LED displays and digital clocks on small appliances are ghoulie signs that energy is sucked by those devices when not in use.

Stake out the vampires

One way to avoid wasting energy is by unplugging those devices that sit in standby when turned off. An easier method can be using a power strip with a switch to turn off all devices plugged into the strip. In the age of “smart” everything, there are smart power strips that can automatically cut off energy to devices when they are fully charged or turned off.

When purchasing electronics, look for ENERGY STAR labels, those items will use lower power when in standby mode. If you’re good with math, you can always buy a watt meter (device to measure how much energy is being consumed by electronics) and find out exactly how much power is being used by the electronics in your home. Better yet, the Pikes Peak Library District has “Kill A Watt” meters available for checkout, all you need is a free library card.

Instead of hanging garlic everywhere, just use some of these tips to improve your energy efficiency and rid the phantom vampires bleeding your money!