Danielle N.
Duration: 1 minute
Published on June 4, 2021
In This Article
The Colorado Springs Police Explosives K-9 Unit and our facilities have a special connection.
For nearly a decade, this unit has trained at our warehouses to continually challenge the dogs and their highly trained sniffers.
And for the three dogs - Aico, Daisy (both Belgian Malinois) and Miles (a Labrador Retriever), it’s just a fun place to mix work and play.
Their main job is at the Colorado Springs Airport, but these pups also work special events or clear the way for visits from dignitaries. Training is an ongoing and important part of their job. The dogs and their handlers must first undergo 15 weeks of basic training, which is immediately followed by six to eight weeks of field training before joining the patrol.
Officers in this unit are a tight-knit pack with decades of experience who work in partnership with the Colorado Springs Police Department, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the Colorado Springs Airport.
The initial training with the dogs is done through the TSA, but they must earn and maintain certification, along with the officers.
During a recent training at the Leon Young Service Center warehouse, the three dogs each located the explosive materials with accuracy and within minutes.
As soon as the dogs locate something, they alert the officer and get a reward.
“We call it work, but it’s play time for them,” said officer Rodney Biechler.
An added benefit to training the K-9s at our facilities is their experience with the buildings and ability to respond if there was ever a need to detect explosives at a warehouse.
Buildings like the Leon Young warehouse present fun challenges, along with the size, to help keep the dogs’ skills sharp.
Helping the K-9 unit is another way we keep our commitment to safety for our workforce and community.