News & Updates

A positive outlook for 2021

Written by Aram Benyamin | Dec 28, 2020 12:15:00 PM

We've been working on our plans for the new year and beyond. The COVID-19 crisis has put us all to the test and I admire our community’s resiliency and optimism. Together, we will be able to overcome the obstacles and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

We are entering 2021 confidently with the single goal of better serving you. Much of our budget is dedicated to mission-critical projects, including:

  • Natural gas system improvements to ensure the highest standard of safety and reliability.
  • Sustainable energy initiatives and retirement of the Martin Drake Power Plant.
  • Reservoir upgrades and new water storage projects to meet the needs of our thriving community.
  • Smart meter installations to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

We’re committed to wise resource management to address immediate and future needs. We will continue to deliver the helpful, hometown service you expect. Here's to a happy and healthy 2021 full of bright opportunities!