Colorado Springs Utilities Blog

From the CEO - Adjusting our energy transition to manage costs

Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy and transmission line capacity are shifting our energy... Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy...

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Horizon Utility Campus - ensuring reliability with cleaner energy

Introducing the Horizon Utility Campus and 400 megawatts of new natural gas-fueled generation. Introducing the Horizon Utility Campus and 400 megawatts of new natural...

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From the CEO - Why we support designating nuclear as clean energy

From the CEO - why we support legislation that designates nuclear as a clean energy resource. From the CEO - why we support legislation that designates nuclear as a clean...

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From the CEO - Adjusting our energy transition to manage costs

Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy and transmission line capacity are shifting our energy... Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy...

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Three facts to know about on-peak and off-peak rates

To meet the needs of our community, we must work together to use energy responsibly. Lowering on-peak electric use helps everyone save in... To meet the needs of our community, we must work together to use energy...

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Utility systems perform well amid arctic weather

Despite subzero temperatures and high demand over the past week, our natural gas, electric, water and wastewater systems performed well... Despite subzero temperatures and high demand over the past week, our natural...

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Electric linemen and troubleshooters to get major training upgrade

Our linemen undergo years of training to refine their craft, enhance safety practices and prepare for situations when a life-threatening... Our linemen undergo years of training to refine their craft, enhance safety...

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Major energy projects underway to preserve service reliability

As part of our Sustainable Energy Plan, several major projects are underway to provide you with reliable and cost-effective power for... As part of our Sustainable Energy Plan, several major projects are underway to...

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Our changes to developer charges and fees

On Tuesday, City Council will hear the presentation of the annual budget and a five-year rate case. This will include proposed fees and... On Tuesday, City Council will hear the presentation of the annual budget and a...

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Your rates - The unsung benefits of grants and internal efficiencies

While these cost-savings efforts don’t result in immediate rate reductions or bill credits, they have major long-term benefits. While these cost-savings efforts don’t result in immediate rate reductions or...

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The Apparatus Shop’s role in cost avoidance and efficiency

Our Apparatus Shop plays a big part in ensuring the reliability and safety of our services and managing your costs. Our Apparatus Shop plays a big part in ensuring the reliability and safety of...

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