Colorado Springs Utilities Blog

From the CEO - Adjusting our energy transition to manage costs

Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy and transmission line capacity are shifting our energy... Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy...

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Electric linemen and troubleshooters to get major training upgrade

Our linemen undergo years of training to refine their craft, enhance safety practices and prepare for situations when a life-threatening... Our linemen undergo years of training to refine their craft, enhance safety...

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City Council honors Harold Miskel's career of service

Harold Miskel made great contributions to water use in Colorado. Harold Miskel made great contributions to water use in Colorado.

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Major energy projects underway to preserve service reliability

As part of our Sustainable Energy Plan, several major projects are underway to provide you with reliable and cost-effective power for... As part of our Sustainable Energy Plan, several major projects are underway to...

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Our changes to developer charges and fees

On Tuesday, City Council will hear the presentation of the annual budget and a five-year rate case. This will include proposed fees and... On Tuesday, City Council will hear the presentation of the annual budget and a...

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Your rates - The unsung benefits of grants and internal efficiencies

While these cost-savings efforts don’t result in immediate rate reductions or bill credits, they have major long-term benefits. While these cost-savings efforts don’t result in immediate rate reductions or...

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Our website has a fresh, new look

We have overhauled our website to create a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. Finding information and services you need is now... We have overhauled our website to create a more intuitive and user-friendly...

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Major demolition activities at Drake Power Plant site now complete

The former Martin Drake Power Plant has been taken to ground level – marking a dramatic change in the city’s skyline for the first time in... The former Martin Drake Power Plant has been taken to ground level – marking a...

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A message from the CEO

I am honored as CEO to celebrate Colorado Springs Utilities’ century of service this year. We have a great deal to be proud of – and a lot... I am honored as CEO to celebrate Colorado Springs Utilities’ century of service...

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Electric system continues march of resilience, despite record-setting demand

We set a new all-time electric use record on Friday, July 12, 2024, with 1,001 megawatts, breaking the old record of 989 megawats set on... We set a new all-time electric use record on Friday, July 12, 2024, with 1,001...

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Sharing water in times of plenty

Our water sharing program has emerged as one of the state’s most innovative ways to balance competing needs. Our water sharing program has emerged as one of the state’s most innovative...

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