Colorado Springs Utilities Blog

From the CEO - Adjusting our energy transition to manage costs

Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy and transmission line capacity are shifting our energy... Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy...

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Fire Department, Flight for Life partner with electric line crews

Our electric lineworkers train to refine their craft, enhance safety practices and prepare for situations when a life-threatening injury... Our electric lineworkers train to refine their craft, enhance safety practices...

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How we keep our dams safe and in good working order

Because dams hold back so much water, it’s important they perform well – the safety and well-being of people and property downstream depend... Because dams hold back so much water, it’s important they perform well – the...

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Slow down, stay alert: Lives are on the line

In a construction zone, motorists also must be aware of equipment, changes to road alignment, and – most importantly, workers. In a construction zone, motorists also must be aware of equipment, changes to...

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3D technology provides safety, benefits on AdAmAn Alley project

With an accurate design from this technology, our construction crews, working with Pate Construction, could safely excavate and complete... With an accurate design from this technology, our construction crews, working...

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Winter driving and its impact on power outages

Of all incidents not related to weather or random equipment failure, vehicle accidents trigger the most power outages. Of all incidents not related to weather or random equipment failure, vehicle...

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Heroes among us: How our linemen saved a man’s life

Our linemen performed a heroic rescue of a man who had climbed a transmission tower near I-25 and Tejon. Our linemen performed a heroic rescue of a man who had climbed a transmission...

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Our Public Safety Awareness Program: First responders are key partners

To create strong working partnerships with our own field personnel and first responders, we facilitate liaison meetings. To create strong working partnerships with our own field personnel and first...

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Stay safe with portable AC units

Many of us use window/portable AC units, swamp coolers and attic fans to cool our homes. It's important to use them safely. Many of us use window/portable AC units, swamp coolers and attic fans to cool...

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Don't blitz your pipes during the big game

Before you slide that guacamole, creamy cheese dip or greasy meat down the disposal in your sink, call an audible! Before you slide that guacamole, creamy cheese dip or greasy meat down the...

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Keeping driving skills sharp

The Driving Rodeo allows crews to showcase their skills through a series of obstacles they face in the field daily. The Driving Rodeo allows crews to showcase their skills through a series of...

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