Colorado Springs Utilities Blog

From the CEO - Adjusting our energy transition to manage costs

Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy and transmission line capacity are shifting our energy... Recent developments related to power purchase agreements for renewable energy...

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Major demolition activities at Drake Power Plant site now complete

The former Martin Drake Power Plant has been taken to ground level – marking a dramatic change in the city’s skyline for the first time in... The former Martin Drake Power Plant has been taken to ground level – marking a...

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A message from the CEO

I am honored as CEO to celebrate Colorado Springs Utilities’ century of service this year. We have a great deal to be proud of – and a lot... I am honored as CEO to celebrate Colorado Springs Utilities’ century of service...

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Another milestone at the Drake Power Plant site – demolition of stacks underway

A massive crane began its work to demolish the old stacks on the Martin Drake Power Plant this week. A massive crane began its work to demolish the old stacks on the Martin Drake...

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Colorado Springs' largest solar array now online, providing energy to customers

The 175-megawatt Pike Solar Array officially began commercial operation this week. The 175-megawatt Pike Solar Array officially began commercial operation this...

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Our participation in regional power pool saved $4.7 million, more benefits on the horizon

A recent announcement by SPP will likely mean result in cost savings and more access to affordable and reliable energy resources. A recent announcement by SPP will likely mean result in cost savings and more...

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Large equipment deliveries mark progress in Kelker Substation project

The deliveries mark a significant step in a more than $80 million investment from now until 2027 to upgrade and expand the site Kelker... The deliveries mark a significant step in a more than $80 million investment...

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Unwrapping the Clean Heat Plan, how it impacts you

State law requires gas distribution utilities like ours to reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by home and business-based natural gas... State law requires gas distribution utilities like ours to reduce greenhouse...

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A quest to diversify our energy future

We are preparing for a new energy future, enhance our city's economic vitality and meet our goal to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2030. We are preparing for a new energy future, enhance our city's economic vitality...

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Our role in a sustainable future

We work hard every day to reduce our impact on the environment, improve regional air quality and conserve resources for future generations. We work hard every day to reduce our impact on the environment, improve...

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We're generating electricity! Modular natural gas units set for May

The units feature a small footprint, low emissions, high reliability and low maintenance. Additionally, they can also run on diesel fuel. The units feature a small footprint, low emissions, high reliability and low...

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