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Upgrade your business's bathrooms


Efficiency and savings are important for your business, and we have tools and programs to help, particularly during these tough times. Our offerings are available year-round to help you save water and money well into the future.

Apartment complexes, schools, hotels, healthcare facilities and office buildings can benefit from our water custom rebate. This custom rebate helps you upgrade to high-efficiency bathroom fixtures including toilets, urinals, showerheads and faucets. The rebate is designed to increase with the water you save, and it can offset remodel costs and save on your utilities year after year.

Here’s one example: An older apartment complex decides to upgrade all 100 toilets in the building as part of a remodel project. Together, we would conduct a pre-project inspection to verify the existing toilets and get the make and model of the new high-efficiency toilets.  

The estimated rebate to the company in this scenario is $10,000, based on the product they choose at a price of $159 each for purchase and install. Additionally, they’ll see an annual water savings of over $7,000 just by installing toilets that use less water per flush. They can also take advantage of our community’s free, porcelain recycling program to keep overall project costs down. 

If water savings wasn’t incentive enough - in this example, the apartment building’s return on investment is less than one year: total toilets purchased and installed (100) x cost per toilet and install ($159) – rebate ($10,000) – annual water bill savings ($7,135) = $1,235 less overall business costs in first year of install. 

If you have a project in mind, take a quick look at our toilet replacement calculator to understand your program’s potential. 
We can help you work through the details. Get more information on the business custom rebate our call our Water Conservation Team at (719) 668-8232 to review your plans to upgrade toilets, urinals and bathroom fixtures.