Our Commercial Building Efficiency Program offers engineering support to help Utilities customers meet energy and cost savings goals as well as comply with new regulatory requirements.
The program is available to our commercial electric and/or gas customers with buildings sized 50,000 square feet or more.
This program is comprised of two tracks:

Commercial Building Efficiency Program
Energy design assistance (EDA)
This track is for new construction and major renovations classified as alteration level 3 or change of occupancy per the applicable building code. Utilities will pay 100% of the cost for selected energy consulting firms to work alongside your design team to suggest strategies for increased energy efficiency and regulatory compliance.
Retro-commissioning (RCx)
This track is for owners of existing buildings who wish to evaluate the current building energy use and seek strategies for improvement. Utilities will split the cost of the energy consulting services with the customer with Utilities paying 75% and the customer 25%. Limit of 1,000,000 square feet of total audited space per customer or controlling entity in 2025.
Performance based incentives
For both paths, performance-based incentives will be paid to those customers who implement strategies suggested by the energy consulting firms. Incentives will be based on the verified energy savings or greenhouse gas reductions. If you are interested in improving your building energy performance, you can contact one of the selected energy consulting firms listed below:
Bowman Consulting Group
Bowman Consulting Group offers energy design assistance
- Jacob Goodman | (720) 853-0160 | jgoodman@bowman.com
McKinstry offers both energy design assistance and retro-commissioning services- Dan Addink | (303) 215-4043 | dana@mckinstry.com
- Greg Spalding | (303) 215-4071 | gregs@mckinstry.com
Michaels Energy
Michaels Energy offers retro-commissioning services- Patti Olenick | (719) 877-2909 | pjolenick@michaelsenergy.com
- Rob OConnell | (719) 921-0207 | RDOConnell@michaelsenergy.com
Colorado Springs Utilities
It's how we're all connected.