The Eastern Wastewater System Expansion (EWSE) will provide the critical “backbone” of infrastructure needed to serve this area. Phase I of the project, estimated at $396 million, is slated to begin in 2026 and last through 2030.
This phase consists of three large and complex projects that will install approximately 11 miles of new gravity wastewater mains, seven miles of new force mains, and two new lift stations. The infrastructure is needed to move waste product from the northern, central and southern portions of Banning Lewis Ranch to our Las Vegas Street Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility in the south-central area of the city.
Later phases of the expansion will occur over the next 25 years. They include more pipeline, as well as expansion of the lift stations and the Las Vegas treatment plan to handle increased flows. Currently, the plant processes 30 million gallons of waste product daily but it will need to be able to treat 50 million gallons/day in the future.

At full buildout, the Eastern Wastewater System Expansion will provide service to an estimated 225,000 people.
Due to the considerable costs and technical aspects of planning, designing and installing this infrastructure, we are acting as the developer for Phase I. Project costs will be paid for through bonds and revenue generated from customer base rates. These up-front costs will be recovered through charges to homebuilders as development occurs.