Completed projects

Monument Creek Stabilization Project

July 2024 update

Our work to stabilize a section of Monument Creek near Mesa Road Bridge is complete! Critical wastewater infrastructure that lies beneath the creek bed is now protected from potential exposure and damage.  

The work required that we close a small section of the Pikes Peak Greenway Trail near Mesa Road last October for construction vehicle access and to ensure public safety. That section of trail remains closed while we complete concrete work on the new pedestrian access ramp. The new ramp and underpass at the bridge will be finished soon, as will revegetation of the riparian area.

Creek work: completed
Pedestrian ramp/underpass work: July-Aug 2024
     Handrail installation: Sept 2024
     Greenway Trail section reopens: Sept 2024
Site clean-up & revegetation: July-Aug 2024 
     Revegetation continues through Sept 2024
     Revegetated areas will be monitored up to five years to ensure plant growth.

Project details

Degradation and erosion along the creek between Mesa Road and Bijou Street caused the channel to lower significantly over time, increasing risk to a large (42-inch) wastewater interceptor along the creek. We also needed to protect nearby non-potable and finished water mains.

Beginning in October 2023, the creek channel was raised in select locations along a 3,500-foot section and returned to pre-erosion levels. Work also the installation of boulder drop structures to control energy dissipation, and bank reinforcement.

Map of the Monument Creek Stablization Project. The map is a satellite image of the creek looking just west of I-25, in a stretch between Uintah Street and Bijou Street With generous support from City Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) we are also:

  • Installing a pedestrian access ramp from the nearby trail to provide safe access to the channel corridor for recreational activities
  • Constructing an underpass at Mesa Road to improve safety 

The project prioritized preservation of historic components of the corridor, as well as minimizing the environmental impacts of our work. Of note: 

  • We are working collaboratively with PRCS to ensure State Historic Preservation Office requirements are met. 
  • We are adhering to deed restrictions of Monument Valley Park.
  • We added protections for a portion of the historic rockwork in the channel that was built under FDR’s Works Progress Administration to control flooding. 
  • We are restoing native vegetation to the area to maintain the wetland ecosystem. 
  • We are following FEMA regulations to ensure the 100-year floodplain is not negatively impacted. 

Questions about the project may be directed to or by calling (719) 668-7765.

Project photos

A narrow stream winds through a lush landscape with dense green grass on both sides. Text reads “Example of vegetation replacement.”
A shallow stream flows over a submerged rock structure. Text reads "Photo of a submerged rock structure"
A "boulder drop structure" in a river setting. A series of large, flat rocks placed across a river creating small cascades of water.
Multiple rock structures along a river. The structures form a barrier on the riverbanks. Caption reads: “Example of a rock structure."
An underpass with a pedestrian access ramp. The underpass is constructed with a block wall and there are metal railings along the edge of the ramp.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek taken on September 27, 2023. The creek meanders through a green landscape. The city skyline is also visible.
Aerial photo taken on Oct. 31, 2023 shows construction along Monument Creek. An excavator and 3 workers are visible on the bank of the creek.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek near Colorado College taken on November 30, 2023. A yellow excavator is parked near the embankment next to the creek.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek near Colorado College taken on December 29, 2023. An excavator and workers are visible near the water.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek taken on January 29, 2024. A dirt road runs through the center next to a newly constructed rock retaining wall.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek near Mesa Road on Feb. 29, 2023. An excavator and truck, are parked between the creek & a newly built rock wall.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek near Mesa Road on March 25, 2024. A wall is being built between a trail & the creek, water runs in a narrow channel.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek near Mesa Road on May 1, 2024. A truck is parked between boulders in the creek and a newly constructed wall.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek taken on October 31, 2023. No construction activity is visible along the creek near the Uintah Street bridge.
Photo of Monument Creek taken near the Uintah bridge on November 30, 2023. A backhoe is in the creek next to a small dirt road extending to the bank.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek near Uintah Street taken on December 29, 2023. Tire tracks from heavy equipment are visible on both sides of the creek.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek near Uintah Street taken on January 29, 2024. A bulldozer is shown in the frame along with tracks from heavy equipment.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek taken on Feb. 29, 2023. An excavator is near the edge of the creek and rock structures are on both sides of the stream.
Aerial photo of Monument Creek taken on March 25, 2024. Water rushes over boulders in the creek in the distance. Some boulders are visible on the bank
Aerial photo of Monument Creek taken on May 1, 2023. Water rushes over boulders in the distance. Yellow straw is on the bank of the creek nearby.

Current projects

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