Community Presentations 1920 x 450 px Community Presentations 1920 x 450 px

Community presentations

Whether it’s a large event like Labor Day Liftoff or a presentation to a smaller group, we’re happy to share information about current initiatives, energy and water use, safety, the environment and more.

Browse the sections below to find more information about our community presentations and event booths.


Community presentations

Invite us to present at your next meeting or event. Our staff provides enlightening information about utilities, energy and water use, safety and the environment.

To request a presentation, we require a minimum group size of 10 individuals.

Energy system today and tomorrow

We share information about our community’s energy production methods, our vision for the future and how we’re planning to address our future energy needs.

Water system and future supply

Discover how we acquire, treat, and deliver water from 100 miles away to homes businesses in Colorado Springs. We’ll also share our plans for a sustainable future.

Efficiency for your home

Visit us at our Conservation & Environmental Center. Our experts will share energy and water-saving tips for your home. The session includes touring our interactive displays highlighting conservation inside and outside the home.


Request a custom presentation for your group.

Request a presentation

Event booths

Our interactive information booths are perfect for larger community events, school family nights, or education/safety fairs with at least 100 people expected to attend.

Explore the topics below and choose the right booth for your event.

Energy and water interactive information booth

Learn about our water, electric, wastewater and natural gas systems through our interactive YOUtility trivia challenge game, informational displays, hands-on learning and opportunities to chat with our experts about safety, efficiency and rebates for your home or business.

Electric and natural gas safety

Witness a live electric demonstration that shows the importance of safety around electricity. Play our interactive safety games and learn how to be safe around natural gas.

Raptor protection

Students and adults can interact with our raptor display, which features taxidermy birds of prey and shows our commitment to raptor protection efforts on power lines. This engaging demonstration provides the opportunity to touch raptors’ feet, talons and wings.

Request an event booth