Note: Tours at Clear Spring Ranch are unavailable until mid-2025 due to a construction project.

Clear Spring Ranch Resource Recovery Facility

Facility information

The Clear Spring Ranch Resource Recovery Facility serves as a crucial part of our wastewater system, treating biosolids recovered from the Las Vegas Street and J.D. Phillips Water Resource Recovery Facilities.

The facility is located about 17 miles southwest of downtown Colorado Springs on a 4,000-acre property near our Nixon and Front Range Power Plants. It began operation in 1984.

An aerial photo of a tan brick facility with circular structures emerging from a hill behind the main building. In the foreground, a dark blue lake is visible before a road. It's a sunny day and the surrounding fields are brown and tan, indicating this photo was taken in winter.

At Clear Spring Ranch, we use an anaerobic digestion process to treat solid waste. This means that we use bacteria to break down the solids into methane, carbon dioxide and other gasses.

Any solids remaining after this process are stored in sludge basins for up to five years for further treatment. Once that process is finished, we pump it from the basins and inject it below the soil surface in fields. 

We follow strict rules and take careful steps to protect the environment. This facility is a zero-discharge facility, meaning all fluids and groundwater are contained onsite. The only way that water is removed from this site is through evaporation.

Additionally, methane gas generated in the process is burned in gas boilers and used for digester heating and heating buildings at the plant.

Facility tours

Tours of this facility are unavailable until mid-2025 due to a construction project. Please visit our facilities page to find other facilities that are open to tours.