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Natural gas service

We provide safe, reliable and affordable natural gas service to Colorado Springs.

Natural gas is primarily used to provide heat and hot water to our customers, providing an essential service during our harshest winter months.

Maintaining this extensive system of distribution lines, meters and mains takes a dedicated team of professionals to ensure the safety of this infrastructure. Our employees operate and maintain five gate stations (where natural gas enters our system) and approximately 2,700 miles of distribution pipe, enough to stretch from coast to coast in the United States. 

By the numbers

67 CCF

Avg. monthly residential use (centum cubic feet)


Miles of gas pipe mains


Service points

Carbon monoxide alarm mounted on a white wall. The meter reads as zero. Around the corner of the wall, a person reads a tablet on a couch.

Natural gas safety

Our community’s safety is our first priority. 

Natural gas is safe when it stays within pipelines or when it burns properly in appliances. However, if there is a gas leak, or if a furnace or range emits carbon monoxide, it can have deadly consequences.

Know the signs of danger with natural gas and take steps to stay safe.

Learn more
Winter homes

Clean Heat Plan

In 2023, we added a separate charge to our bill called the “Clean Heat Plan” charge, which funds programs designed to encourage customers to shift to electric appliances to reduce emissions.

This charge is calculated based on a customer’s natural gas use and appears on the natural gas portions of bills.

It also funds rebates & programs that can help you reduce your natural gas use.

Learn more
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Propane Air Plant

Our propane air plant helps save our customers money.

The plant provides additional natural gas to our distribution system during high use times or when regional supplies are low.

This helps us avoid having to buy as much natural gas on the market when prices are highest.

We’ve increased the plant’s capacity in recent years, allowing us to reduce our dependence on external supplies even more.

Your safety around natural gas is of the utmost importance, which is why this facility is monitored and secure 24/7.