Water damage policy

To ensure public safety, we respond to water damage claims to assess the situation and investigate the cause of the water damage.  

We first inspect our water system within the pipe segment where your property is connected to determine if the cause of the damage is a result of activities on our water system. If we find a cause for the damage to our system, and we are responsible for that activity, we will consider damage claims. 

Subject to the claims process, we will assist customers with respect to damages caused by verified water damage in our water main line if the customer is not the negligent cause of the water damage and the damage was caused by the negligence of Colorado Springs Utilities. Even when we are not obligated to pay and the claim is denied, we may voluntarily provide up to $12,500 for damages to residential homeowners, subject to qualification. 

A significant amount of damage claims are the result of activities and events on our system over which we have little or no control. Consequently, if the water damage is not the direct result of our activity and is determined to be of a nature beyond our control, your claim will be denied.    

NOTE: Maintenance of the water service line, which runs from your home/business to our main line, and damages caused by service line leaks are the customer’s responsibility.

To cover water damages that may occur because of activities or events that are not within our control, business customers (including landlords) are expected to carry insurance in an amount sufficient to cover any anticipated loss. Accordingly, business customers, including landlords, are not eligible for water damage voluntary payment in these instances. 

Cleanup process

There are several local businesses that specialize in water damage clean-up. Because of the potential for mold damage, we recommend the use of a business that specializes in this area. For reference, contact the Better Business Bureau at (719) 636-1155

Claims process

  1. Insurance - Contact your insurance company to report a water damage claim. Since every policy is different, you will have to contact your agent to see if your damage is covered. 
  2. Colorado Springs Utilities (if negligent according to Colorado law)- Contact the claims section of City Risk Management at (719) 385-5960 to report a water damage claim. Under Colorado law, we have legal liability if negligent in the operation and maintenance of the public water facility or if we negligently allow a dangerous condition to exist in the public water facility. The law does not hold us liable if damages were caused by events beyond the reasonable and prudent maintenance of our system or by an Act of Nature, including severe storms and flooding. 

If we are legally liable for any part of your claim, you will be asked to submit the following to process your claim:

  • Proof of your loss. 
  • Proof that your claim is of a reasonable nature to restore your property to the condition prior to the occurrence. This may include multiple estimates for repair. 
  • A list of damaged personal property describing each item, including its age, condition and estimated cash value. 
  • Cause of the water damage. 

If you have any questions, please call City Risk Management at (719) 385-5960.