Our Small Business Efficiency Assistance Program allows qualified commercial customers to receive up to $10,000 of efficient water and energy-saving equipment installed at no cost.
Improvements can include retrofits and needed repairs for the following items:
- Ultra-high efficiency toilets
- High efficiency faucet aerators
- Pre-rinse spray valves
- High efficiency showerheads
- LED bulbs
- Smart thermostats
How it works
- Your business completes an application.
- Colorado Springs Utilities performs an energy and water assessment to identify necessary retrofits and needed leak repairs.
- The customer must be an electric customer, and/or a water customer to receive benefits.
- Colorado Springs Utilities hires a contractor to perform the identified leak repairs and retrofits for your business.
- Assessments, retrofits, and leak repairs come at no cost to you.
- We also will help you understand other ways to save energy and water at your business.
Program benefits are available to businesses that meet the Small Business Administration’s definition of a small business and are under the E1C or E2C electric rate schedule. Eligible customers include:
- Small commercial customers under electric rate schedules E1C or E2C.
- Commercial customers who are small business entities, nonprofits and sole proprietors.
- Customers must be an electric or water service customer of Colorado Springs Utilities
- Businesses that primarily operate in and employ the majority of their staff in Colorado Springs.
- Commercial customers who employ no more than 50 full-time employees.
- Businesses that earn less than $2 million in annual gross revenue.
This program is available to commercial property owners and individual retail tenants. (If the building is leased, there must be at least one year remaining on the lease term.) Individual tenants may need to obtain landlord approval before installing efficiency retrofits.