Construction zone safety

Behind the reflective vests are people with families, friends and neighbors. Safety is everyone's responsibility - let's make it our shared priority.

Behind every cone zone is a human story

When you see a traffic cone, it’s more than just an orange marker. It represents a life—a person working hard to improve vital utility services and provide for their family. These workers are someone’s best friend, father, sister, or neighbor. Their families eagerly await their safe return home.

Meet Chris Wheeler

Watch our video to learn about Chris Wheeler, one of the unsung heroes who works hard each day to ensure reliable gas service to our customers. The very cones that surround him and his colleagues serve as protective shields, ensuring they return home safely.

Safety is a shared responsibility

Remember, safety is a collective effort. Shockingly, four out of five work zone fatalities are motorists. Many work zones include deep trenches, heavy machinery and other hazards. As you approach a cone zone:

  1. Slow Down and Respect Speed Limits: Patience saves lives.
  2. Expect Delays: Especially during peak travel times.
  3. Put Away Your Phone: Distractions can be deadly.
  4. Maintain Safe Distances: No tailgating; give ample space.
  5. Stay Alert for Workers and Pedestrians: Their lives depend on it.
  6. Follow Construction Signs: They guide you safely.
  7. Avoid Unnecessary Lane Changes: Smooth merging is crucial.
  8. Follow Flashing Signs: They demand extra vigilance.
  9. Focus on the Road: Resist the urge to watch work behind barriers.
  10. Respect Barricades: They protect everyone, including you.

Together, let’s make cone zones safe zones

Reduced speed limits, vigilant flaggers and diligent police enforcement all play a role. But responsible driving rests in your hands. The next time you hit the road, remember, each worker, motorist and pedestrian is cherished by someone. Let’s work together to ensure we all return home safely.