Dam safety

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Dams are a critical part of our nation’s infrastructure. They provide flood protection, water supply, hydropower, irrigation and recreational opportunities.

We own and operate 25 earthen and rock-fill dams as part of our water system. The reservoirs they support are vitally important in our overall water resource plan to continue delivering safe, reliable and high-quality water to homes and businesses.

Our dam safety program helps reduce the risk to human life, property and the environment from dam-related hazards. We have six proactive steps to minimize risk.

  1. Daily surveillance
  2. Regular maintenance
  3. Emergency planning
  4. Annual surveying
  5. Detailed inspections
  6. Improvement projects

Rampart Dam, nestled just northwest of the U.S. Air Force Academy, is our largest dam. It's considered a high hazard dam because the downstream impacts would be significant in the unlikely event it was breached. Due to our prioritization of safety and the dam safety program protocols we have in place, this is a very unlikely scenario. The dam is monitored 24 hours/day, 7 days/week to ensure the structure performs as designed.

However, residents living along Monument Creek, from the Air Force Academy south to its confluence with Fountain Creek, should be aware they would need to take quick action if a Rampart Dam breach occurred. In that circumstance, the emergency notification system would be activated to alert people to evacuate the area.

Learn more about our reservoirs.