Planned electric outages

We understand that any power outage is an inconvenience. Our primary job is to keep your electricity on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

To help strengthen our infrastructure and ensure uninterrupted service, we continually upgrade electrical equipment. To keep our crews safe, we occasionally need to temporarily shut off power while we make these maintenance upgrades.

Our crews work hard to restore power during a planned outage as quickly and safely as possible.

During a planned maintenance outage, our crews work hard to restore power as quickly and safely as possible. We encourage you to make safety your top priority while our crews make necessary upgrades and repairs. Remember: Avoid approaching crews and never go near a downed power line.

Stay safe & be prepared

With some preparation, you can keep your family safe and comfortable during a planned outage.

  • Medical Equipment: If you have medical support equipment that is dependent on electricity, be ready with a back-up plan to maintain the use of your equipment.
  • Electronic Equipment: Shut off or disconnect all sensitive electronics before the planned outage to prevent damage or loss of data. Fully charge your cellphone, laptop, and other electronic devices.
  • Garage Doors/Security Gates: Review the instructions for your garage doors or electric gates and learn how to operate them manually.
  • Alarm Systems: Please alert your security company of the planned outage. The outage will affect your alarm systems and may affect private phone systems.
  • Safety: Crews must stop what they are doing when bystanders come too close to them. By staying clear and allowing our crews to work, they can more quickly restore your power and you will remain safe.

For more preparation suggestions, view and download a power outage checklist from the American Red Cross.

Planned outages for small businesses

We sometimes interrupt power to customers to perform scheduled maintenance on our system, put new infrastructure into service or complete large repairs. We make every effort to notify customers of planned outages before they occur.

  • Have a plan for your small business during a power outage
  • Assure the safety of your employees and customers
  • Check any backup systems
  • Know how to safely operate your generator
  • Invest in surge protection equipment