Power Line safety 1920 x 450 Power Line safety 1920 x 450

Power line safety

Safety always comes first, especially when dealing with electricity. Electricity always seeks a path to the ground. When you become part of this path, you may be injured or killed.

Always assume that lines are energized and call us at (719) 448-4800 to report downed lines or damaged power poles, it may save a life.

Since many backups are caused by blockages in private service lines, it’s much easier to prevent problems before they start. Small changes to everyday behavior can make a huge difference when it comes to maintaining your service line.

Everyday safety tips

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  • Never touch any utility wire, and do not touch anyone who is in contact with an electric wire.
  • Keep your distance! Remember the 10-foot rule: When carrying and using ladders and other long tools, keep them at least 10 feet away from all overhead lines - including any lines from the power pole to your home.
  • Look up before raising a ladder or pole to verify that it will not be close to power lines when raised. Use a flashlight at night to help you see overhead power lines or other hazards.
  • Don’t let children climb trees that are near overhead power lines.
  • Kites or balloons that contact power lines can cause shock or fire, so fly them away from overhead lines.
  • We offer free tree trimming around power lines. Call us at (719) 448-4800 before pruning, trimming or cutting down trees that are near overhead lines.

Fallen line safety tips

Damaged Power Line
  • If you see a fallen line, fallen tree limbs, as well as anything they are touching-such as puddles and fences  - stay far away. Keep pets and children away too.
  • Call 9-1-1 or call us at (719) 448-4800.
  • If there is a fallen power line near your home, stay inside unless told by emergency personnel to evacuate.
  • If you spot a downed line around your vehicle, move it away from the line if you can do it safely.
  • Warn others to stay away. Anyone on the ground who touches your vehicle could be in danger.
  • If the vehicle is okay (not on fire), stay in the vehicle until an emergency responder indicates it is safe to get out.
  • If you must leave the vehicle due to other hazards, jump clear of fallen lines. Don’t touch the vehicle and ground at the same time.
  • Land with feet together and hop away with both feet together.

Mast safety tips

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A mast feeds power to your home from overhead lines. Your home’s mast usually resembles a metal pipe or a tube that is attached to your roof or at your meter.

  • As the homeowner, you are responsible for maintaining your home’s mast.
  • Inspect your mast from a safe distance, but never touch it. If it’s energized, it could kill you.
  • If your mast is damaged, please hire a licensed contractor to fix it. This must be done before we are able to restore service to your home.
  • Should an outage occur, your mast must be in working order before we can safely restore power to your home.