Scams, fraud & imposters

Scammers are clever, persuasive professional criminals skilled at finding unique ways to get what they want from their victims. They call or show up at your door when you're busy or distracted, and the last thing you want is to have your service disrupted.

If you are ever suspicious of a phone call or visitor, hang up or make the person wait outside and call us at (719) 448-4800 to confirm the call or visit.

7 things we don't do


  1. Require customers to make payments with a credit card or a prepaid card or make outbound calls asking for credit card information.
  2. Call requesting payment for a meter replacement.
  3. Ask for your social security number on outbound calls.
  4. Collect payments in the field in the form of cash, check or money order. (Customers have the option to make a payment through KUBRA - online or over the phone - to keep services on.​)
  5. Partner directly with any solar company.
  6. Demand payment over the phone and threaten immediate disconnection.
  7. Request unconventional payment methods like prepaid gift cards, MoneyGram, or cryptocurrency. 

Common scams

  • Disconnection Deception - Scammers call threatening disconnection of your utility service, demanding immediate payment by prepaid cards.
  • Door Knocking Imposter - Door-to-door imposters pose as utility workers to gain entry or access into unsuspecting victims' homes.
  • Solar Salespeople - An individual makes claims about your bills and even meter equipment while attempting to sell you a solar product.
  • Power Restoration Charge - Scammers call offering to restore power more quickly for a fee in the aftermath of severe storms causing widespread power outages.
  • Overpayment Tactic - Scammers call claiming you have overpaid your utility bill, and you need to provide personal bank account information or a credit card number to facilitate a refund.
  • Identification Attack - Rather than directing victims to call a 1-800 number, the scammers direct the caller to press 1 to collect more data in an effort to get personally identifiable information.
  • Vacate Your Home - Scammers claim there is a need to replace equipment and you must leave your home for 72 hours.

What you can do to protect yourself from scammers

  1. Register for My Account and manage your account online.
  2. If someone comes to your home or business, ask for identification. All employees carry photo identification with an I.D. number.
  3. Do not provide your credit/debit card number, account number or any other personal information to any caller or visitor without knowing their true identity.
  4. Call customer service at (719) 448-4800 or (800) 238-5434 for accurate information about your account or to identify one of our employees.

What to do if you receive a scam call

If you receive a call from a number claiming to be from Colorado Springs Utilities asking for personal information, please take the following steps.

  1. DO NOT provide any personal information.
  2. Take note of what action the caller (automated or in-person) is asking you to take AND the phone number from which the call appears to originate.
  3. Use this link to report the scam to the FTC or call 1-877-382-4357 to file a report over the phone. This step is important as the more complaints the FTC receives, the more likely the incident will be investigated.
  4. Colorado residents who believe they have been victims of a scam or want to report suspicious activity, can also file a fraud report with the Colorado Attorney General’s Office.