Wooden pole inspections

Did you know the oldest wooden utility pole in our infrastructure is estimated at more than 100 years old? In order to get a long lifespan from our wooden pole infrastructure, we meticulously inspect our approximately 40,000 wooden poles throughout the Pikes Peak Region.

We started inspecting our wooden poles on a 10-year rotation in 2011. Each year we set out to inspect and test 4,000 poles, which normally takes eight to 12 weeks to complete. 

We work with a private contractor to use a more advanced approach to traditional wooden pole inspection methods. We now use ultrasonic technology - devices that emit soundwaves to create a digital image representing the pole’s interior. The non-destructive examination technology allows us to identify good wood without damaging it, unless a pole needs further testing. If early signs of degradation are found, we use a traditional method of testing which requires excavating and drilling, also known as “boring” the pole.

Both testing methods look for the same issues, rot and insect infestations, which take place underground more than 99% of the time. Our pole inspection program is all about proactively conducting condition assessments to get ahead of safety concerns. In addition, taking care of our poles reduces the risk of outages and maintains our highly-reliable system. If a wooden pole is determined to be a risk, we prioritize the urgency and proceed to install a new pole to maintain our high safety standards.

Customer impact

Customer impact is minimal throughout the testing process. Some poles are on private property, so contractors do need access to the poles for testing, which usually takes less than 15 minutes. Electric service is only impacted if we encounter a special situation.

If we are inspecting poles in your neighborhood or on your property, you will receive a letter in the mail with more information.

Our contractors have Colorado Springs Utilities identification badges. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact customer service at (719) 448-4800.


Fast facts about wooden poles

  • We maintain approximately 40,000 wooden poles.
  • The average lifespan of new wooden poles is 50 to 70 years, if inspected and maintained properly.
  • Rot and insect infestation are the leading causes for pole replacement.
  • More than 99% of degradation to wooden poles occurs underground.
  • The cost to inspect and/or treat a wooden pole is about $10 to $50, depending upon the extent of testing and treatment. The cost to replace a wooden pole is about $2,500, depending upon the work required.
  • We replace approximately 200 to 250 poles every year. In previous years that number would be upwards of 400 poles, but we have eliminated the higher risk poles and those on the circuits in the worst condition.
  • Replacement is not the only option; there are other methods to repair and safely maintain wooden poles to maximize their lifespan.
  • We test the wooden pole infrastructure on a 10-year cycle, as recommended by the American Wood Protection Association and industry standards.