Wildland Fire Team

The Catamount Wildland Fire Team formed in the 1980s as a way to proactively protect utilities infrastructure from the threat of wildland fire.

Now, the team has more than 40 members that represent all four utilities services – electric, natural gas, water and wastewater. They are trained to the national standards for fighting wildland fire, but they also have valuable utilities knowledge. This is helps them fight fire on the front line, expedite service shut off and restoration, and helps us coordinate with other local and state fire agencies.

The team provides:

  • Initial attack on wildland fires on Colorado Springs Utilities property, including watersheds.
  • Quick response to fires in the wildland/urban interface and supports local fire departments.
  • Response to wildland fires as part of the Pikes Peak Mutual Aid Type 6 Strike Team and through mutual aid requests.

Safety always comes first with team members, who participate in ongoing safety training, refresher classes and hands-on exercises.​ There are also five emergency medical technicians on the team.