Groundcover Front Yard
After removing the existing bluegrass, flowering ground covers were planted that use less water than a traditional lawn and without all the, mowing, trimming and fertilizing. As the plants mature, they will grow only a few inches tall and about 1-1.5 feet wide to cover the entire soil surface. This type of landscaping may be watered with drip pipe that has the emitters built into it (in-line drip), or efficient overhead spray nozzles that are set less frequently than for bluegrass as these plants like to dry out between watering. Make sure to water a groundcover lawn once a month in the winter to make sure these plants are healthy and ready to grow in spring.
Groundcover Front Yard
After removing the existing bluegrass, flowering ground covers were planted that use less water than a traditional lawn and without all the, mowing, trimming and fertilizing. As the plants mature, they will grow only a few inches tall and about 1-1.5 feet wide to cover the entire soil surface. This type of landscaping may be watered with drip pipe that has the emitters built into it (in-line drip), or efficient overhead spray nozzles that are set less frequently than for bluegrass as these plants like to dry out between watering. Make sure to water a groundcover lawn once a month in the winter to make sure these plants are healthy and ready to grow in spring.