Shady Fescue Front Yard
This front yard had more shade than Kentucky bluegrass can tolerate so a fine fescue mix was the better option. Fine fescue is a cool season grass, so it doesn't save as much as a warm season native grass like blugramma or buffalograss, but is a great option for shady areas. Fine fescue is easy to grow from seed, just plan on doing some weeding during establishment to get your fine fescue grass off to a good start. Once established, this grass will use about one third less water than bluegrass.
Shady Fescue Front Yard
This front yard had more shade than Kentucky bluegrass can tolerate so a fine fescue mix was the better option. Fine fescue is a cool season grass, so it doesn't save as much as a warm season native grass like blugramma or buffalograss, but is a great option for shady areas. Fine fescue is easy to grow from seed, just plan on doing some weeding during establishment to get your fine fescue grass off to a good start. Once established, this grass will use about one third less water than bluegrass.