Panchito Manzanita
This low growing, evergreen shrub is grown for the cover provided by its leathery green leaves. It produces tiny pink urn-shaped flowers in early spring.
A natural hybrid of kinnikinnik and greenleaf manzanita, Panchito manzanita is one of the few broadleaf evergreens that can tolerate Colorado Springs' dry winters and periodic droughts. It can be grown as a groundcover or planted close to the edge of a wall or boulder.
Moderate watering is needed until the plant is established (2 years). After establishment, Panchito manzanta requires little supplemental watering. The initial growth rate is slow, spreading 3 feet in 5 years.
It is worth waiting for it to mature. Once it becomes established, it is a beautiful, low-maintenance plant.
Panchito Manzanita
This low growing, evergreen shrub is grown for the cover provided by its leathery green leaves. It produces tiny pink urn-shaped flowers in early spring.
A natural hybrid of kinnikinnik and greenleaf manzanita, Panchito manzanita is one of the few broadleaf evergreens that can tolerate Colorado Springs' dry winters and periodic droughts. It can be grown as a groundcover or planted close to the edge of a wall or boulder.
Moderate watering is needed until the plant is established (2 years). After establishment, Panchito manzanta requires little supplemental watering. The initial growth rate is slow, spreading 3 feet in 5 years.
It is worth waiting for it to mature. Once it becomes established, it is a beautiful, low-maintenance plant.
Plant details
Botanic Name
Arctostaphylos x coloradoensis 'Panchito'
ark-toh-STAF-ih-los kol-oh-rad-oh-EN-sis
Mature Height
10 to 15 in.
Mature Spread
24 to 36 in.
Water usage
One Droplet: Water twice per month or less, once established.
Two Droplets: Water about once per week, once established.
Three Droplets: Water about twice per week, once established.
Flower Color
Bloom time
very early spring
Colorado Native
Natural Habitat
Uncompaghre Plateau in western Colorado
Light Requirements
sun, part shade
Cold Hardiness
USDA zones 4-8
Elevation Limit
hardy to 7,000 ft.
Panchito manzanita has been one of the best-performing manzanitas at the Water Wise Demonstration Garden. Its vibrant green leaves provide an attractive background for other plants.
It also in beautiful in winter, providing a spot of green when most plants are brown. It has grown well in part-shade and full sun locations, plus very low to moderate water zones. Panchito manzanita is highly admired by many garden visitors.
No maintenance is needed. Grows slowly initially, so it will require a few years before it fills in.