Stansbury's Cliffrose
Stansbury's cliffrose is an amazingly drought-tolerant native shrub. It has an irregular branching pattern with small, sparse, gray-green foliage.
The five-petaled, light yellow flowers are very attractive, blooming over much of the branches. They mature into white, fuzzy plumes.
This shrub is a very good choice for a naturalistic or native plant landscape. It can tolerate neglect and drought once established.
Stansbury's Cliffrose
Stansbury's cliffrose is an amazingly drought-tolerant native shrub. It has an irregular branching pattern with small, sparse, gray-green foliage.
The five-petaled, light yellow flowers are very attractive, blooming over much of the branches. They mature into white, fuzzy plumes.
This shrub is a very good choice for a naturalistic or native plant landscape. It can tolerate neglect and drought once established.
Plant details
Botanic Name
Purshia stansburyana
PUR-shee-uh stanz-bur-ee-AN-uh
Mature Height
3 to 7 ft.
Mature Spread
3 to 4 ft.
Water usage
One Droplet: Water twice per month or less, once established.
Two Droplets: Water about once per week, once established.
Three Droplets: Water about twice per week, once established.
Flower Color
Bloom time
early summer
Colorado Native
Natural Habitat
central and southern Rocky Mountains to eastern California
Light Requirements
Cold Hardiness
USDA zones 4-7
Elevation Limit
hardy to 8,000 ft.
There are two cliffroses growing at the Water Wise Demonstration Garden. They are beautiful shrubs with irregular-shaped branches. The flowers are beautiful, and the seeds are just as attractive.
The leaves are very small and not very noticeable. It may be hard to find in nurseries, but is worth the search or special order.
Prune out dead or damaged branches as needed. Prune when young to achieve desired shape.