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Water-wise rules

Water-wise rules help us use water responsibly. We live in a semi-arid climate and our community is growing quickly. By following these rules, we can keep our landscapes vibrant and healthy while being mindful of our limited water supply.

Let’s work together to use water wisely for the benefit of our community, neighbors, and rivers.

The 6 key water-wise rules

1. You may water up to three days a week (Sunday to Saturday). You choose the days.

2. From May 1 to Oct. 15, water before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. to reduce evaporation.

3. Don't let water pool on hard surfaces or flow down gutters.

4. Repair leaking sprinkler systems within 10 days.

5. Use a shut-off nozzle when washing anything with a hose.

6. Clean hard surfaces (such as driveways, sidewalks and patios) with water only if there is a public health and safety concern.

Resources for residential & business customers

We're committed to providing our customers with resources to help manage water use efficiently. We offer a variety of resources to help you maintain attractive landscaping.

Residential Business
water wise plants tabbed thumbnail
Residential resources

Water-wise plants

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Water wise landscaping tips tabbed
Residential resources

Water-wise landscape tips

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Irrigation rebate 1
Residential resources

Rebates & incentives

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Establishment permit tabbed 1
Residential resources

Establishment permits

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Business Irrigation Thumb
Residential resources

Water allocation plans

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water wise webinar tabbed
Residential resources

Water wise webinars

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Sprinkler tabbed
Artboard 1 Business resources

Request an irrigation audit

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matched precip nozzle
Artboard 1 Business rebate

Custom water rebate

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native grass
Artboard 1 Business resources

Water-wise landscaping tips

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Establishment permit tabbed 1
Artboard 1 Business resources

Establishment permits

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Efficiency Services Document thumbnail
Artboard 1 Business resources

Efficiency services

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sprinkler with check valve-1
Artboard 1 Business resources

Water allocation plans

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Questions & answers

Why do we need water-wise rules?

We live in a semi-arid climate where water is a precious resource. As our community continues to grow, building our conservation ethic with water-wise rules protects our water supply while saving water for tomorrow.