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October landscape Q&A


We have a few fall-related landscape questions and answers to help your lawn and plants thrive next spring.

Fall landscape care in Colorado Springs is different than other parts of the country. Here are a few fall-related landscape questions and answers that might surprise you.

Is it true I should fertilize my lawn in October?

Yes. Fertilizing your lawn in mid to late October provides important nutrients to help your grass survive the winter. Homeowners who fertilize in fall notice less winterkill and stronger green grass in spring. Fertilize right before your sprinklers are winterized or use a hose-end sprinkler to water in the nutrients.

How often should I run my sprinklers in October?

If it’s warm and dry, run them twice per week. As the weather cools down, water once per week until you winterize your sprinkler system. Your lawn needs to be watered regularly through the end of October. If you turned off your sprinklers after the freeze in September, be sure to water with a hose rather than stopping for the rest of the year. After a hot, dry summer, fall watering is important.

When should I winterize my sprinkler system?

In October. winterizing your sprinklers prevents freeze damage and minimizes costly repairs. Colorado’s unpredictable weather makes it tough to pinpoint a specific date, so most landscape companies proactively blow out sprinklers in October and November before cold weather persists. The higher the elevation, the earlier you should winterize. For temporary cold snaps, drain and cover exposed backflow devices and pipes if the system is still filled with water.

Should I have a professional winterize my sprinklers?

Yes, if it fits within your budget. Professional landscape companies prevent freeze damage by shutting off the water to the sprinkler system, draining the components and pushing water out of the pipes with air. Many companies will also fix any freeze damage, should it occur. The cost of winterizing your sprinkler system is usually less expensive than fixing freeze damage.

Is it really important to winter water?

Yes. From November through April, water trees and lawn areas, especially those that are sunny, sloped or exposed to high winds, once to twice per month to help them stay hydrated through the winter. Well-hydrated plants experience less winterkill. Use a hose-end sprinkler or watering wand and disconnect the hose from the spigot afterwards to prevent freeze damage.

Do I have to stop watering on Oct. 15 now that the Water-wise rules are in effect?

No. The Water-wise rules allow sprinkler watering before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. from May 1 to Oct. 15. After Oct. 15, you can run your sprinklers any time of day to prevent water freezing on concrete and creating a slipping hazard. The other Water-wise rules are in effect throughout the year.