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Clean Heat Plan

In accordance with state law, we are required to adopt programs that help customers reduce emissions from natural gas appliances and heating systems. To pay for these programs, our board approved the “Colorado Clean Heat Plan Charge,” which appears on our bills to recover expenses related to this law.

The 2021 law requires gas distribution utilities like ours to reduce natural gas emissions from home- and business-based appliances and HVAC systems by 4% by 2025 and 22% by 2030, from 2015 levels.

We also filed our own Clean Heat Plan with the State of Colorado in August 2023. This plan explains how we’ll work with customers to reduce emissions from homes and businesses. We await approval of this plan from the Air Pollution Control Division (APCD) at the Colorado Department of Health & Environment (CDPHE).

Colorado Clean Heat Plan Charge

The new charge will help recover expenses related to state mandates under Colorado’s Clean Heat Plan. The new charge is not a flat fee. It is based on the customer’s use of natural gas. Here’s how it affects your bill:

  • Residential customers should expect a charge of about $0.75 per month
  • Commercial customers will average $6.20 per month
  • Industrial customers should expect an average charge of $62 per month

*Note In winter, the charge could be higher because your natural gas use is higher.

The money collected from this charge, about $2.7 million, is used to fund customer rebates and efficiency programs to encourage installation of heat pumps, insulation, efficient water heaters, and more.

The separate charge allows us to provide transparent information about costs related to the Clean Heat Plan. Like our base rates, the charge will be reviewed annually.

Rebates & incentives

The Clean Heat Plan is an important example of why utilities and customers must work collaboratively in the years to come.

To meet the targets in this law, the State recommends that customers shift from natural gas-based appliances to electric appliances. View rebates & programs in the section below to upgrade your appliances and save money while reducing your energy use.

Residential rebates Business rebates
Insulation rebate 879 x 990
Icon (1) Residential rebate

Insulation & air sealing

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Heat Pump Residential Tabbed
Icon (1) Residential rebate

HVAC & heat pumps

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Water heater 3
Residential rebate

Water heaters

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Resource Card (2)
Artboard 1 Business rebate

Custom energy rebate

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Commercial Building tabbed
Artboard 1 Business incentive

Commercial Building Efficiency Program

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Commercial Heat Pumps
Artboard 1 Business rebate

HVAC & heat pump rebate

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Water Heater Business rebate 1
Artboard 1 Business rebate

Water heater rebate

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Frequently asked questions

What is the Clean Heat Plan?

State legislation passed in 2021 requires gas utilities to adopt programs that encourage customers to reduce emissions generated by natural gas-based appliances and heating systems.